"Bye bye Brian, love go with thee..." that's the humm we sang to him as he cut the cake.
This was his last day, actually this was his last minutes he was having with us. Brian Ekdale from Wisconsin USA, was a volunteer with us at Hot Sun Foundation. He has been with us for the last seven months, and he has been of great help to us. Personally i've got his help technically while doing my projects and also i was able to use his equipment.
My first projects, i used his still camera for continuity. I also got his feedback while editing the projects.
My recent project, Voice From The Womb, he was part of my crew on set-he was the continuity person. He gave his video camera for the behind the scenes. I would not forget to mention that he was part of the team that gave me feedback while i was developing the script.
You guys are the best. Thanks so much for all that you shared with me.